Wednesday 10 December 2014

Audio and Sound... 

Michel Dougherty says:
“A truth whispered among animators is that 70% of a show's impact comes from the sound track.”

Our teacher gave us this statement and asked us to write at whether we agree or disagree. In my opinion the statement above is true especially in films such as horrors and thrillers were music is essentially to the anticipation of the events in the movie. 

Music adds to the effect and the emotion, it can show sadness, anger, happiness and impact upon the audience what the scene is trying to convey and if a soundtrack is effective individuals can listen to the soundtrack and link it to the movie. Some soundtracks are as famous as their movies. For example some of Disney animations music is recognisable even to those who have never even seen the films. 

Without sound behind the animation there is little interest. If you watched your favorite animation without any sound you would probably not enjoy it as much unless you can remember it well enough to hear the music in your head. The music behind the scenes brings characters their emotions and their actions to life! 

Later in the lesson we were put into pairs and told to create an podcast using the Audacity, we did a Christmas Special news report using the news that Russia are now employing reindeer to patrol with police in snowy areas. This used running jokes linked to films and songs for an example penguins escaping a New York zoo (Madagascar) and Rudolf being arrested for manslaughter, see song below... 


The Podcast will hopefully be uploaded at this moment in time... 

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