Thursday 23 October 2014

Camera-less Animations...

Drawing a circle
Cutting out circle
The hand drawing
Graveyard drawing

There are five types of camera-less animations that we looked into. These are Thaumatrope, Phenakistoscope, Zoetrope, Praxinoscope and Flipbook. 

Within our seminar we did two of the camera-less animation, the first one I did was Thaumatrope. I drew and cut out a circle from a piece of card, I then drew on my design. I chose to do a hand coming out of a grave in reference to Halloween next week. After I drew on my design, I punched two holes in the middle at either end and put two pieces of string through. I didn't have time to colour in my animation.   


My main problem was matching up my pictures as first I did the hand too high and upside-down. I took me a few tries to get it right.  

The second camera-less animation was a Praxinoscope, done in a group. A praxinoscope has the images reflected on a mirror for people to view. First we cut out a strip of card and decided to use angry birds as inspiration for our design. We delegated roles with one person creating the circle mirror and another drew the picture at the beginning whilst I drew the end pictures. We tested are animation and then once correct we coloured in.

Almost finished animation
Problems we had with this animation was that the mirrors couldn't be aligned properly and so are picture looked disjointed in places but it couldn't be helped with the mirrors available to us. Another problem was lining up the scenes such as the bird and the blocks so it would look seamless in the movement. We didn't manage to finish in time as there are still bits uncoloured. Below is a video of our animation in process. 

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