Wednesday 25 February 2015

My Game... 

Below is the game I created in today's lesson, the instructions have disappeared from when it was uploaded. The instructions were:

Al the Alien is stranded on a planet called Earth in the Milkyway Galaxy. You are to collect the stars to convert into fuel for your ship to get Al home. Watch out though Earthlings are dangerous and if they catch you a life is lost. Good Luck!  


Wednesday 18 February 2015


Introduction to Gaming... 

The topic for this term is gaming and how it can be used for educational purposes. Last lesson we were introduced to the world of gaming and discussed whether it can be used in education and what would be the advantages and disadvantages of this. It was discussed that by gaming you can teach morals and increase their critical thinking. Also many games are now social and multi-player so their social skills are not suffering which was seen as a major drawback of gaming. However many games there are no consequences for their actions and many crimes are blamed on the violence of video games. The argument against this is that violence in cartoons has not been blamed for violence however cartoons are fixed whereas in video games it is your actions and it is more realistic that cartoons such as Tom and Jerry and the Roadrunner. So there needs to be careful consideration as to which games are acceptable for children to play.

For homework we were told to create a pick-a-path. I along with two friends created the one attached, I was inspired by a fable I read as a child called the honest woodman. Though we adapted it for ours. 

These were shown in class today. After we looked at three educational games, I was chosen to look at the 1066 Game on channel 4 about the Battle of Hasings and then to evaluate it as an educational game. Were you had to fight against your opposition after choosing how many of each type of warrior in your arsenal. The other two were School for Dragons and Bow Street Runner. Next week we are to be creating our own games.